Gardening post – mid May.

by | May 17, 2016 | Shahnaz Blog (Previously They Throw Rocks)

Here are the flowers from mid April to mid May.  These are considered smack dab in the middle of Spring.  I would say mid Spring is the Iris season.  The Aliums came in but they were there for only about a week.  There’s another blue flower that grows up the stalk.  I don’t know it’s name.
These pictures were taken April 21st.

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This one above is a white Iris.  I personally prefer my Irises with more color, especially blue/violet but I’ll take these in the corner between my driveway and walkway.

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The above and below picture are similar views just one is more backed up than the other. The one above, you can see the tall Alium buds – 4 of them. The pic below you can see the position of the white Irises.

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The pic above has that blue climbing flower.  If you know its name, please let me know in the comments.  Below is another Alium bud, a different view on the same area.

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And then there is the spot with 2 alium buds, in the above and below picture.

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After this comes the next set of pictures from April 26th. More has bloomed while some flowers decided to say good bye to Spring.

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The Aliums in the above picture are in full bloom.  I particularly like these flowers especially 4 of them together.  They look quite pretty.  Should I plant more of these?  Hmmm.  That would be the question.  Notice in the picture below that the blue flower on the left has bloomed upwards further.  I thought I liked it better last year.  This year, I feel like it’s blooming little at a time and so you don’t see full color at any given time and the bottom parts wither away taking away from the look of the flower.

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The white iris above is beautiful although I personally prefer the violet ones.  In the below picture you can see at the base of the left pillar of the home, the yellow and purple iris beginning to bloom also.  The phlox are still in bloom.

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Now the above flower is a beauty.  I do like it quite a bit.  Still wish for the full violet iris.  The bottom picture is of the above flower.  The top iris has already started to droop while more irises are blooming.

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Bottom picture shows the phlox on the left and the lilies starting to bud on the right.  Notice 5 areas of lily buds.  This is important as in today’s picture, coming up later, one of the buds were eaten by the dreaded deer!

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More lilies hide behind the irises in the below picture.  They are budding also.

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The picture above and below is a different view of the area with the Japanese maple.  More Aliums here, but only a couple and an individual.

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Here are the lily buds.  So exciting, until the deer ate one!

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The next set of pictures are from today (May 17th).  So, we are headed into late Spring.  A lot of the flowers from the earlier pictures are gone and now it’s time for the budding of the Astilbe and the lilies.  Notice below the blue flowers are completely dried out.  The Aliums have lost their petals and are out of color and drooping.  They are done too.

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The below picture has no phlox and the irises have all dried out.  So, not flowers.  Only the buds of the astilbes and the lilies.  No real color though.  I don’t think I have any color or actual flowers in my garden right now.  So, need help with late spring flowers for next year.

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Plants blooming on the side of the drive way.  Don’t remember what they are.  I know there used to be lilies there, but they got eaten.  I have given up on them.  These will flower most likely in a month, so I’m guessing these are early summer bulbs.  Will continue with this post mid-June.

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Also, wanted a close up picture of the astilbes before they bloom.  Are they late spring flowers?  Hmm.  I wonder.  It really depends on when they bloom.  This will be the first year they bloom, when they do.  The bottom picture has the lily pods.  Notice only 4 of them.  See the one at the bottom with no buds.   Looks nipped off, doesn’t it.  Yep!  That was the one the deer ate.  My guess is that he got super sick after eating it.  Or so I hope.  If he didn’t, I hate to think that he would have returned for the others.  I’m not out of the woods yet.  I need to watch them bloom and hope the blooms are not eaten. Will keep posted with this post on my gardening notes.

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It has been a rainy day but I wanted to get some pictures and post and make some notes.  There are no real flowers bloomed in the garden today. So, looks like I may need more late Spring flowers?  But then again what are the lilies and Astilbes? Are they early summer?

Gotta run.  In case you are new to my blog, this blog post on gardening is more for me to take notes so I can sort my garden out with time.  This one is all for me.


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