PIsac hike – day 3.

by | Nov 28, 2014 | Shahnaz Blog (Previously They Throw Rocks)


It’s funny when you look at pictures a couple of years after the trip and wonder.  I know the first few pictures were from the drive there. Then there are pictures of when we walked up the trail.  It’s funny.  I do not mention how tiring the hike was.  I re-read my accounts and all I got was that it was a great view.  Now, a few years later, I remember this hike very clearly.  I remember how tired I was.  This was the hike that made me say no to the hike up Hyuana Picchu the next day.  The views on this hike was SPECTACULAR.  I have even written that a camera cannot do it justice and I think at some point I stopped taking pictures.  What was the point?  There was no way I could capture the intense beauty of the place.  The view I got from the top was something well worth being completely out of breath for.  Of course, why not?  It takes your breath away!


Day started at breakfast and drive to Pisac. In Pisac we hiked for a couple of hours up the mountain to reach the top, which was the priest’s place or something like that. The climb and hike was on a trail on the cliff side of the mountain. I could get a good grip and footing, but there were a lot of loose stones too and that seemed scary to me. If I ever focused other than the trail, I could see far out and down and the realization of how high up I was really hit me and I’d be a bit scared because one false move or slip could mean certain death, but the views were amazing and the climb and hike was worth it. When we went up, we were able to climb to another look out point and really appreciate how beautiful the surroundings were. I don’t think a camera could do justice to the views. I was quite blown away and glad I requested a trip of the Pisac ruins.


We stopped for lunch and after we got back to Ollantaytambo we walked the streets of the old buildings of the nobilities. Of course, they’ve been converted into touristy shops etc. but look magnificent from the outside.


Tonight is the festival of the cross here. People come to their altars, which look like in India, tiny places of worship with a model of Mary in it. The people hung a string of bread and fruits on the entrance as a symbol of asking the God to bless them with more of the breads, fruits etc. Basically, asking God to bless them with more prosperity. Then, we had a light dinner. I had taqueras – fried wonton with cheese. Served with fresh guacamole. Was great to eat. Tomorrow Machu Picchu!


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